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Discover Yoga 1.0

  • 25Steps


Welcome to our comprehensive online yoga program, designed for anyone who would like to start a yoga practice in the comfort of their own home. Our program is suitable for all levels, whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience with yoga. During this program, you will learn the fundamental principles of yoga, including the various poses, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices. You will discover the benefits of yoga for your physical and mental health, and how it can help you to live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Our program is designed to help you move at your own pace, with a focus on building up to a full yoga sequence. You will be introduced to different yoga flows, from basic to more advanced, and learn how to flow from one pose to another with grace and ease. By the end of this program, you will have gained the confidence and skills needed to start a regular yoga practice at home. You will feel stronger, more flexible, and more centered, with a deeper understanding of your mind-body connection. Join us on the mat and discover the transformative power of yoga. Whether you are looking to improve your physical fitness, reduce stress and anxiety, or simply want to live a more mindful and fulfilling life, this program is the perfect place to start. Let's breathe, flow, and grow together!

You can also join this program via the mobile app.




Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From $7.00/month


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