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Yoga for Busy Beginners



Are you a busy person looking for a way to incorporate yoga into your daily routine? Do you want to start a yoga practice but don't have the time or money to attend a studio? Look no further!


"Yoga for Busy Beginners" is the ultimate home practice guide for those who want to start a yoga journey but don't have a lot of time. With this 30-minute practice guide, you can enjoy all the benefits of yoga without sacrificing your busy lifestyle.


Written by certified yoga teacher and founder of SimplyFitandCurvyYoga, Kenya Marsh, this ebook is filled with detailed explanations, step-by-step instructions, and fun tips to help you start your yoga journey. You'll learn the basics of yoga, how to create a home yoga practice, essential yoga poses, modifications and variations, and how to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your practice.


This ebook is perfect for anyone looking to:

  • Start a yoga practice without attending a studio
  • Incorporate yoga into their busy lifestyle
  • Practice yoga in the comfort of their own home
  • Learn essential yoga poses and modifications
  • Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into their practice


Plus, with the glossary of yoga terms and additional resources, you'll have everything you need to continue your yoga journey beyond this ebook.


Don't wait any longer to start your yoga journey. Get "Yoga for Busy Beginners" today and start feeling more relaxed, energized, and balanced in just 30 minutes a day!


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