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How to Ignite Your Yoga Practice

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

So you can build a consistent yoga practice that fits into any schedule

Want to start practicing yoga but not sure where to start? Do you find yourself surrounded by people who are close to you who do not support your decision to start your yoga journey? Maybe you feel guilty for tying to put yourself first. Yoga is a practice that will help you elevate mentally, physically and spiritually. You do not have to be flexible or strong to practice yoga. Everything you need to get started is within you. You just need to tap into it.

Does this sound familiar? You saw some nice poses on instagram or awe inspiring yoga videos on Tik Tok or youtube and thought to yourself. I wish I could do that. Or maybe you started practicing yoga but have a hard time staying consistent.

Practicing yoga does not have to be hard. Here are some tips to get you start with ease.

Tip #1 - Uncover Why Are You Practicing

You need to figure out your true reason for practicing yoga. So you won't overwhelm yourself trying too much at once.

For example, maybe You want to increase your flexibility; You want to build strength or You want to relieve stress.

Whatever the reason is, you need to find out why you you are on your yoga journey so you can track your progress.

Tip #2 - Make Your Practice a Priority

Do you miss your hair, nail, or doctor appointments? Your yoga practice needs to be just as important. Set an appointment with yourself to fill your cup, give yourself time to breathe, flow, and grow.

""Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."The Bhagavad Gita.

Tip #3 - Set Boundaries

In order to be successful for your yoga journey you also have to put boundaries in place. Setting boundaries shows you are a serious about your yoga journey and let those around you know as well. It can be simple as blocking out time on your calendar, letting your spouse/partner know you do not want to be disturbed at home. Set your small kids up with something to do or putting your pet away.

Tip #4 - Change up Your Yoga Routine

Once you start practicing yoga, it is always good to change up your yoga. You can do this by joining a yoga challenge or switching the order of your yoga sequence. Maybe try a different yoga style. This way you are always learning something new.

Tip #5 - Join a Yoga Support Group

Joining a Yoga support group is another way to feel about of like minded community. You get to work on a common goal together and support each other along the way. Being a part of a group will motivate you and give you something to be a part of. You do not have to feel alone on your yoga journey.

Tip #7- Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to reflect on your journey. Use this as an opportunity to capture your yoga struggles, yoga challenges, and yoga breakthroughs. The more you put into your journey the more you will notice how much you grew mentally and physically over time. This is your own personal accountability tracker.

Tip #8 - Get a Yoga Accountability Partner

Get yourself a yoga accountability partner. This could be a yoga coach, mentor, or someone you trust will keep you own your toes. You need someone who would keep you on track and ensure you stay true the promises or goals you made for yourself.

If you found this 8 tips helpful for igniting your yoga practice. Then you will enjoy learning more in my Practice with Purpose 7-week Yoga program. Inside this program you will get access to group coaching, an accountability partner, yoga journals, different routines to practice and more!

If you are interested and like to learn more. Enroll into Practice with Purpose today.

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